On and On and On lyrics

Songs   2024-04-27 17:09:44

On and On and On lyrics

I was at a party and this fella said to me,

“Something bad is happening, I’m sure you do agree.

People care for nothing, no respect for human rights.

Evil times are coming, we are in for darker nights.”.

I said, “Who are you to talk about impending doom?”.

He got kinda wary as he looked around the room.

He said, “I’m a minister, a big shot in the state”.

I said, “I just can’t believe it, boy, I think it’s great.

Brother, can you tell me what is right and what is wrong?”

He said, “Keep on rocking, baby, till the night is gone.”.

Chorus: (×2)

On and on and on.

Keep on rocking, baby, till the night is gone.

On and on and on.

Till the night is gone.

Over in the corner I could see this other guy,

he was kinda flirty, he was giving me the eye.

So I took advantage of the fact that I’m a star,

shook my hair and took a casual stroll up to the bar.

And, as sure as hell, this guy was coming up to me.

He said, “Who am I, and who are you, and who are we?

What’s our situation, do we have some time for us?”.

I said I was not exactly waiting for the bus.

He said, “If you’re going somewhere, can I come along?”.

I said, “Keep on rocking, baby, till the night is gone.”.

Chorus: (×2)

On and on and on.

Keep on rocking, baby, till the night is gone.

On and on and on.

Till the night is gone.

Standing up is scary if you think you’re gonna fall,

like a Humpty Dumpty afraid of falling off your wall.

I say if you ever wanna know what’s going on,

gotta keep on rocking, baby, till the night is gone.1

Chorus: (×3)

On and on and on.

Keep on rocking, baby, till the night is gone.

On and on and on.

Till the night is gone.

1. This stanza wasn’t included in the original studio version (until 2011), initially only the music video featured it. Source: Wikipedia.

Humpty Dumpty is a character of an English nursy rhyme:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

  • Artist:ABBA
  • Album:Super Trouper (1980)
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ABBA more
  • country:Sweden
  • Languages:English, Spanish, Swedish, German, French
  • Genre:Disco, Pop, Pop-Rock, Singer-songwriter
  • Official site:http://abbasite.com
  • Wiki:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABBA
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