Fallait-il... [English translation]

Songs   2024-04-27 19:37:39

Fallait-il... [English translation]

To leave my home,

To leave your home,

To let everything down

Without looking behind,

Did we need, did we need,

Did we need to love each other...

Did we need to have some,

Some love, you and I...

To leave each other each time

With an awkward word,

To regret it each time

And do it all over again each time,

Did we need, did we need,

Did we need to love each other...

Did we need to have some,

Some love, you and I...

To love each other so wrong,

So wrong we loved each other,

To make to each other so much harm,

So much harm we did to each other,

Did we need to love each other...

Did we need to have some,

Some love, you and I...

To never have achieved

To be happy...

To be happy after you...

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  • country:France
  • Languages:French, English, Spanish, German
  • Genre:Pop, Singer-songwriter
  • Official site:http://www.edithpiaf.com/
  • Wiki:https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Édith_Piaf
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