Piiloistaan laulaa [English translation]
Piiloistaan laulaa [English translation]
Heavily pines the time serving ["heavily" would be directly translated as "as heavy", "serving" could be understood here as something, that is a willing servant]
My burden (is) love, a lap perhaps burning ["lap" as in someone's lap or arms, "perhaps" here as rather distant and unimportant, as in "I guess"]
How can I deny and be disappointed again
From the flow/stream of betrayal I gain my power/strenght
And the devils from their hiding places [the line continues directly in the chorus]
(chorus #1 )
Sing the song of the betrayed
It tears/shreds/rips with its rhymes
To the soul pagans beat a rhythm
And the morning awaits
The flow/stream of the dark land carries me with it
pushes/throws me all around, rends the bones from their flesh ["push/throw" here as in very violently and so that there's nothing to do to stop it]
I couldn't/cannot tell, what my soul rings/sounds ["ring/sound" is the same word used for example in "a radio plays music"]
The only whole/unhurt that my Creator created
And the devils from their hiding places
(chorus #2)
Sing the song of the betrayed
It tears/shreds/rips with its rhymes
In the shadows forge their beat ["forge" here is the same word used for hitting something with a hammer, usually on an anvil]
And the morning awaits
(chorus #2)
- Artist:Harmaja