Petit Pierre [English translation]
Petit Pierre [English translation]
- "Little Pierre, how old are you?"
- "I'm twenty years old, and I am ashamed!"
- "Don't be ashamed, Little Pierre
For you are the heart of the world"
- "If I am the heart of the world
It won't live to grow old..."
- "Put your twenty years in the round
You'll see, it'll feel better"
- "I have no love anymore, Sir
Not even for my misery
I don't know why God
Put me on Earth"
- "Where are you going, Little Pierre?"
- "I'm going to the end of my path"
- "Where does it lead, your path?"
- "It leads me to the river..."
- "Would it be that you've got a message
To throw into the waters
Do you think you'll become wise
Watching the water flow?"
Little Pierre answered
"I hate your sight..."
And then he disappeared
We never saw him again...
- Artist:Félix Leclerc
- Album:Le Petit Bonheur
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