Übers Jahr [English translation]
Übers Jahr [English translation]
Tracks in the snow lead past you.
Frost-clear winds in the moonlight,
endless hours full of glassy silence
keep waking you in the dead of night.
Then the silence breaks.
A sleepy, barren urge melts away.
Softly, the fog blows away,
the world finally full of light.
Deep green meadows, shadow-cooled forests
flourish in the grace of the flickering sunlight.
Ripening ears of wheat in swaying dance
whisper their melodies to the wind.
Then the silence descends
once again with misty puffs...
Softly, the fog rises.
At last, night comes into the world.
Again there are tracks
in the snow by the trees.
The moon stands alone
in the cold night.
It is a silence,
a very deep calm,
an almighty sleep.
Life fades away quietly,
waiting for the new day.
- Artist:Wolfsheim
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