Weiß wie Schnee [English translation]
Weiß wie Schnee [English translation]
They gave me so many names
Perchta1, Gode2, Hel3 and Frigg4
I give life and I kill
Both with a single glance
Your children know me as Frau Holle5
What's derived from Hold and Holle6
The good make my heart rejoice
But the lazy are doomed
You believe I live on clouds
Just like in the song the good fairy
And a feather falls from the pillow
It's dancing down to earth like snow
White as snow is my hair
White as snow appears my robe
White as snow deathly cold falls
in rough nights on the land
White as snow
White as snow
White as snow, deathly cold falls
In rough nights on the land
Twelve nights in the twelfth month
I go on the Wild Hunt7
At my side Knecht Ruprecht 8
Who'll ask every child
Whether they behaved or were lazy
The past year
The dark servant punishes you with the rod9
But I devour lazy children
White as snow is my hair
White as snow appears my robe
White as snow deathly cold falls
in rough nights on the land
White as snow
White as snow
White as snow, deathly cold falls
In rough nights on the land
My castle is cold and dark
located at the base of the Tree of Life10
In my kingdom, there are no heroes11
Only the end of a dream
White as snow is my hair
White as snow appears my robe
White as snow deathly cold falls
in rough nights on the land
White as snow
White as snow
White as snow, deathly cold falls
in rough nights on the land
1. goddess in Alpine paganism, commonly depicted with white hair2. more commonly spelled as Wode or Wōden, is the Anglo-Saxon god of hunting3. in Norse mythology the goddess of the underworld4. a goddess in Norse mythology, the wife of Odin5. a German fairy tale and related to the goddess Perchta6. Frau Holle is also known as Frau Hold or Frau Holda7. reference to Gode/Wode/Wōden8. Saint Nicholas' companion in German folklore9. Knecht Ruprecht wears a black robe and punishes kids with a rod when they misbehaved10. the tree of life, or Yggdrasill, is in Norse mythology/cosmology the tree that connects the nine worlds, including Niflheimr, a realm of primordial ice and cold, and Helheimr, the place where all the souls go that cannot go to Valhalla/Niflheimr11. this seems to be a reference to Jötunheimr, home of the Jötnar. The Jötnar are creatures refused by the Æsir (a member of the principal pantheon in Norse religion, this pantheon includes Odin, Frigg, Thor, Baldr and Týr) to enter their world, Asgard (home of the gods and heroes).
- Artist:Saltatio Mortis
- Album:Licht & Schatten (Best of 2000-2014)