Όταν χαράζει [Otan xarazei] [English translation]
Όταν χαράζει [Otan xarazei] [English translation]
Upon dawn, the first groan
escapes the tightest clenched lips.
Flying like a butterfly inside a chamber
looking for an opening to flee.
If you're alone, if you are weak
the dawn will undo you.
It has the myrrh, it has the stillness,
it has that thug the sun.
A new day, a new river
will at its estuaries offer
that which are lost, that which forgotten
and that which about them no one knows.
Behind the hills, behind the eyelids
there is a place for you too.
Without Bastille, without damnation,
without the lips so tightly clenched.
- Artist:Thanasis Papakonstantinou
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