Самба белого мотылька [Samba belogo motyl'ka] [English translation]

Songs   2024-04-29 09:54:02

Самба белого мотылька [Samba belogo motyl'ka] [English translation]

You loved colourful flowers so much

That you fluttered on them like a butterfly.

And giving dreams to your fans

You didnt promise your heart to anybody

But bright-red, fiery flower

You wanted to pick, once

And again like a white moth

You flew on its shine.

Only it won't be easy

The friendship of flame and the moth

Samba of white moth

Near the open flame

It's likely to burn the thin wings

It's better to live less, but without sadness

Like white moths

And just fly close to earth

It's necessary to live definitely well

Choosing what the heart likes

Fire burned the moth, though not strongly

And the moth loved it, though not long

Really, it wasn't the easy one

The friendship of flame and the moth

Samba of white moth

Near the open flame

It's likely to burn the thin wings

It's better to live less, but without sadness

Like white moths

And just fly close to earth

Samba of white moth

Near the open flame

It's likely to burn the thin wings

It's better to live less, but without sadness

Like white moths

And just fly close to earth

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  • country:Russia
  • Languages:Russian, Italian
  • Genre:Hip-Hop/Rap, Pop, R&B/Soul
  • Official site:https://egorkreed.com/
  • Wiki:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egor_Kreed
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