Oceans Brawl lyrics

Songs   2024-04-28 00:58:41

Oceans Brawl lyrics

Brought a knife to hell and saw

What was left down there and more

Hide-and-seeked for far too long

Kept my treasures with my bones

Lived for lies, lived for tales

Lived for good and hit the rails

Love you boy with what I know

Hid that love with my bones

Found the fire in the rain

Burning drops drowned all my pain

Listen to the oceans brawl

I’ll find you and then I’ll crawl

Pierced your arrow through my heart

Wanted me, now want me gone

In your hiding, you’re alone

Kept your treasures with my bones

Told me lies, told me tales

Lived for bad and hit the rails

Hate you boy with what I know

Picked my love up with my bones

Found the fire in the rain

Burning drops drowned all my pain

Listen to the oceans brawl

I’ll find you and then I’ll crawl

Brought a knife to hell and saw

What was left down there and more

Hide-and-seeked for far too long

Kept my treasures with my bones

Lived for lies, lived for tales

Lived for good and hit the rails

Love you boy with what I know

Hid that love with my bones

And then I’ll crawl

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  • country:Canada
  • Languages:French, English
  • Genre:Pop, Singer-songwriter
  • Official site:http://www.coeurdepirate.com
  • Wiki:https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cœur_de_pirate
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