Personne [English translation]
Personne [English translation]
I’m afraid of taking interest in nothing at all
But in nobody
I’m not even going to go and complain to you
Beautiful lady
You that I love, that I’ll love, that I have loved
More than anyone
You who play innocent, you know you do
Better than anyone
No I never should have raised my hand to
Your person
I needed to control myself, to be more sure
Of my person
Who do you take me for, of course I’ll never say
Anything about it to anyone
Believe me I’ll make you pass for a love-
Able person
Sure, if I tell you all this, I don’t want
To hurt anyone
These are a few truth that do no
Harm to anyone
Perhaps I should have told them to you in the th-
Ird person
I recognise that I am quite clumsy
With my manner
Never again will I love as I loved you
My Belladonna
Yes, you have cost me the eyes from my head, but
I forgive you
I do not owe and I believe I never have owed
Anything to anyone
Never have I been so well understood
Except by nobody
- Artist:Serge Gainsbourg
- Album:L'étonnant Serge Gainsbourg