Özgürlük [English translation]
Özgürlük [English translation]
At school I write your name in my notebook, on my desk and on trees
I write your name on read sheets and on empty pages
On gilded images, guns and the crowns of kings
I write your name on the best of nights and on the fresh bread of the day
On fields and horizons and on the wings of birds
I write it on a mill in the shadow,
On a woken up path and on an outstretched road
On jam-packed squares I write your name, oh freedom.
I write it on my doorstep, on my pots and pans and on the fire inside me [icimdeki aleve]
I write your name on shining glass [camlarin oyununa] and on woken lips,
On my torn down houses, on my extinct lanterns and on the walls of my sorrows
I write your name on my unfulfilled desire and on my naked loneliness
On returned health and on every danger that is over
I write your name.
By the enthusiasm of one word I am revived
I was born for you, for shouting out
Oh freedom!
- Artist:Zülfü Livaneli