Wasps lyrics

Songs   2024-04-28 17:06:44

Wasps lyrics

Father, how long since you have gone

Father, this house is not our home anymore

It's in the hands of a bunch of sick dogs

The walls infested with flies and rats are running around

The floor is covered with slime and bats are flying around

It's in the hands of a bunch of deranged criminals

The wasps are chasing me all over the place

Maybe I can escape, maybe I can escape

I hope you'll die soon like a dog in the street

I hope you'll drown soon in an ocean of filth

Wherever you may run, may you never find peace

Wherever you may hide, I will be your disease

I want to burn all the books that you wrote to make you look right

I hate your future destiny because you stole mine

I hate the smell of your fake smiles

I hate the sound of your new shoes

and all the things that you touch with your rotten hands

and all the things that you said with your poison tongues

wasps are buzzing all ovre the place?

wasps are buzzing in my head?

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  • country:Mexico
  • Languages:Spanish, English, Portuguese
  • Genre:Latino, Pop, Reggae, Rock
  • Official site:http://www.mana.com.mx/
  • Wiki:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man%C3%A1
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