The Outlaws lyrics
The Outlaws lyrics
The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin')
A harder ridin' bunch of outlaws
No one ever saw
I don't recall the lawman
That could match or beat the draw
They rode the west, they fought the best
They never lost a fight
They did their hidin' in the daytime
Ridin' most at night
The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin')
They rode into Yuma
On a hot September day
Hit the bank and got the gold
And then they rode away
The sheriff tried to stop 'em
But he didn't really try
The sheriff thought too much of life
And he didn't wanna die
The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin')
The governor of the territory
Called the rangers in
The rangers caught the outlaws
And the fightin' did begin
For seven hours they fought
And there were bodies all around
Not one body of an outlaw
Lay upon the ground
The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin')
They only took the money back
The rich got by their greed
And gave it to the ranchers
Who were desperately in need
They'd ride into the poorest section
Of a border town
Evenly distributed it to the poorest of the town
The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin')
Maybe it was wrong to steal,
But was it wrong to give?
They took many chances
So a friend in need might live
One by one they've gone
But still there's one alive to tell
The outlaws never failed to hear it
When a friend would yell
The outlaws are commin' (commin', commin')
- Artist:Marty Robbins
- Album:Under the Western Skies