RAG #4 [English translation]
RAG #4 [English translation]
Old pal,
You're probably caged up at this time of day.
I haven't done much since this morning,
I wrote a little,
I touched myself a bit too.
At lunchtime I met the other old pals and the beauties.
It was illuminating just like always.
Then this afternoon I got my stuff.
It felt so weird.
I said goodbye to the copy machine,
To those who stay aboard.
They wished me good luck.
I can't wait for us to meet each other outside
In the early tomorrow morning before eventually leaving.
You remember when we planned to change our lives?
How could've we known?
Of course I'm worried just like you,
We're not used to all of it, right.
But I know that we won't be all alone,
That we'll be with the other old pals
And that together we'll make it out.
And signals are here, you can hear
And see them just like me.
So you see, even if we don't know
Where this will lead us to, we need to dare,
We need to take action,
We need to go ahead, old pal.
- Artist:Fauve ≠
- Album:Vieux frères – Partie 1 (2014)