Más de cien mentiras [English translation]
Más de cien mentiras [English translation]
We have memory, we have friends,
We have trains, laughter and bars,
We have doubt and faith, add up and go on,
We have motels, garitos1 and altars.
We have urgencies2, loves who kill,
We have silence, snuff and reasons,
We have Venice, we have Manhattan,
We have the ashes of the revolutions.
We have shoes, pride and the present,
We have habits, modesties and panting,
We have the mouth, tongue and teeth,
Spit, cynicism, madness and desire.
We have the sex, rock & roll and drugs,
Feet in the neighborhood, and to raise an outcry3,
We have to "Quintero, León and Quiroga"4,
And a pending "bisnes"5 with Pedro Botero6
More of one hundred words, more of one hundred reasons
For not to cut of a simple cut the veins,
More than one hundred glances that see us live,
More than one hundred lies that are worthwhile.
We have a hidden ace7 up in the sleeve,
We have homesickness, piety and insolence,
Nuns from Fellini8 and priests of Berlanga9,
Poison, hangover, perfume and violence.
We have a ceiling with books and kisses,
We have the morbidity, jealousy and blood,
We have the mist inside in the bones,
We have the luxury of not being hungry.
We have 'Achilles heels'10 without bottom11,
Sunday dress and not flag,
Summer Clouds, wars of Macondo12,
Setas13 in November, spring fever.
Glorietas14, magazines, hallways, pistols,
Who cares!, I'm sorry, farewell, I love you,
Fans from "Club Atlético de Madrid"15, gangster of Coppola16,
Veronica and a quarter17 of Curro Romero18
We have the evil of melancholy,
Thirst and rage, noise and nuts,
We have the water and twice a day,
The holy miracle of the bread and fish19
We have Lolitas20, we have Donjuanes21;
Lennon22 and McCartney23, Gardel24 and Lepera25;
We have horoscopes, Bibles and Korans,
Ramblas on the moon, virgins made of wax.
We have shipwrecks dreamed in beaches
Islands without names, without law and nor routine,
We have wounds, we have medals,
Laurels of glory, crown of thorns.
We have vagaries, latex inflatable dolls,
Fallen angels26, sailing boats,
Exquisite poor and miserable rich,
The Ratoncitos Pérez27, toothaches.
We have projects that are withered away,
Perfect crimes that we didn't commit,
Pictures of brides who forgot us,
And a soul on offer that never we sold.
We have poets, hangings and bastards,
"Quixotes and Sanchos"28, Babel29 and Sodom30,
Grandparents who always won battles,
"All roads take to Rome"31
1. Small public establishment, generally the people are going to have fun, especially with a bad reputation.2. It may refer to:
a) A hospitals
b) Necessities3. Or "to raise the roof"4. It was a trio of composers, poets and Spanish musicians, renowned for their joint authorship of many popular genre of song lyrics; they were Antonio Quintero, Rafael de León and Manuel Quiroga.5. business6. devil7. (a winner)8. Famous movie director (Italian)9. Famous movie director (Spanish)10. weaknesses11. It could refer to the bottom of the lake where Achilles was submerged12. Is a fictional town described in Gabriel García Márquez's novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude.13. A kind of mushrooms14. Plaza, generally round and small, in which various streets lead.15. Football team.16. American movie director of the '70s.17. It can refer to "half veronica"18. Francisco Romero López is a spanish bullfighter, known as "Curro Romero".19. Bliblical reference (Mathew 14:13-2, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17 and John 6:01-15) means: Two meals a day.20. "Lolita" is a novel and a movie written by Vladimir Nabokov21. Gallant22. John Lennon, was an English singer and songwriter who rose to worldwide fame as a co-founder of the Beatles23. Paul McCartney, English singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and compose24. Carlos Gardel, was a French Argentine singer, songwriter, composer and actor, and the most prominent figure in the history of tango25. Alfredo Le Pera. Lyricist (tangos) and movie script writer26. Demons27. The little mouse that brings presents to children when they loose their teeth.28. Personages of "Don Quixote". Here it refers to as Don Quijote was the idealistic one; and Sancho, his squire, was logical, down to earth.29. a) Is the name used in the Hebrew Bible for the city of Babylon.
b) Babel's tower; Is a story told in the Book of Genesis who meant to explain the origin of different languages in the world.30. "Sodom and Gomorrah" infamous biblical cities31. In reference to the saying from the times of the Roman Empire
- Artist:Joaquin Sabina
- Album:Física y química