Gülümse Kaderıne [English translation]

Songs   2024-04-28 05:05:40

Gülümse Kaderıne [English translation]

Is it worth it?

Don't quarrel with your dreams for no avail

Believe(me), he won't get away with it

let him go, don't be sad...

life is by ones who love, don't forget that,

smile at your destiny

burn all the pictures,

everything that belongs to him,

take hopes in your bosom tonight

forget the heartless one before morning

fate brought (you) together

fate set (you) apart

he didn't believe in love

wipe your tears

don't ever cry

he toyed with your heart

life protects the ones who love

doesn't throw them into fire

my rose, it couldn't sacrifice you

burn all the pictures,

everything that belongs to him,

take hopes in your bosom tonight

forget the heartless one before morning

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  • country:Turkey
  • Languages:Turkish, English, Turkish (Ottoman)
  • Genre:Dance, Folk, Pop, Pop-Folk
  • Official site:http://www.tarkan.com/
  • Wiki:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarkan_(singer)
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