Glass Animals Lyrics
Season 2 Episode 3 lyrics
Don't you need me Oh baby boy Cause I'm so happy Without your noise Baby, now my head is on backwards And my feet at funny angles And every time I tak...
Season 2 Episode 3 [French translation]
N'as-tu pas besoin de moi Oh petit garçon Car je suis si heureux Sans tes cries Bébé, maintenant ma tête est en arrière Et mes pieds dans des angles d...
Season 2 Episode 3 [German translation]
Brauchst du mich nicht Oh baby boy Denn ich bin so glücklich Ohne deinen Lärm Baby, jetzt ist mein Kopf verkehrtherum Und meine Füße in komischen Wink...
Season 2 Episode 3 [Spanish translation]
No me necesites, Oh, bebé Porque soy tan feliz sin tu ruido Bebé, ahora mi cabeza esta al revés Y mis pies en ángulos raros Y cada vez que hago un pas...
Season 2 Episode 3 [Turkish translation]
Bana ihtiyacın olmasın, Oh bebeğim. Çünkü ben senin sesin olmadan, Çok mutluyum. Bebeğim, şimdi başım geriye yaslı. Ve ayaklarım komik açılarda. Ve he...
Space Ghost Coast To Coast lyrics
Said to you, "Why did you do it?" Touch the glass, I'll feel you through it Against the wall with the bracelets on You look bizarre in the apricot You...
Take a Slice lyrics
"Smells good up here. Yeah, it’s the candle, yo it’s uh… yo it’s uh… sausage... sausage candle... Most people don’t do it the way I do it, very person...
Take a Slice [Polish translation]
„Ładnie tu pachnie. Tak, to od świecy, joł to eh… joł to uh… kiełbaska… świeczka do kiełbasek1… Większość ludzi nie robi tego jak ja, bardzo osobiście...
Tangerine lyrics
As cold as an old ice cream sandwich, as focused as Mr. Miyagi You poke at your phone posting aerial photos of you and your smoothie I can't keep on m...
Tangerine [Polish translation]
Zimna jak lodowa kanapka, tak skupiona jak pan Miyaki Przeglądasz swój telefon, publikując zdjęcia z lotniska, na których jesteś ty z piciem Nie mogę ...
The Other Side Of Paradise lyrics
When I was young and stupid My love left to be a rock and roll star He told me please don't worry Wise little smile that spoke so safely He booked a o...
The Other Side Of Paradise [Chinese translation]
在我年轻无知的时候我的爱人离开了我 去做摇滚乐星 他说我不必担心 脸上聪慧的微笑让我十分安心 他订了单程车票 西边好莱坞就是他们登峰造极的去处 挤在一间卧室的六个孩子 在那便有机会成为泳池旁日光浴的富人 他遇到一个穿着范思哲 粉色羽绒和大颗珠宝的女孩 他将成为灌篮高手 他将会是下一个奥拉朱旺 他拿到...
The Other Side Of Paradise [French translation]
Quand j'étais jeune et stupide mon amour Destiné à devenir une star du rock and roll Il m'a dit "s'il te plait, ne t'inquiète pas" Un sage petit souri...
The Other Side Of Paradise [German translation]
Als ich jung war und dumm war ist meine Liebe Losgezogen um ein Rock'n'Roll-Star zu sein Er sagte mir, bitte mach dir keine Sorgen Ein weises kleines ...
The Other Side Of Paradise [Indonesian translation]
Ketika aku masih muda dan lugu, cintaku Keluar menjadi seorang bintang rock n roll Dia bilang padaku jangan khawatir Senyuman kecil yang begitu jelas ...
The Other Side Of Paradise [Polish translation]
Kiedy byłem młody i głupi Mój ukochany wyjechał, by zostać gwiazdą rock'n'rolla Powiedział mi: proszę, nie martw się Z mądrym małym uśmiechem, który m...
The Other Side Of Paradise [Turkish translation]
Ben genç ve aptalken, Aşkım rock yıldızı olmaya gitti Dedi ki 'lütfen endişelenme' Bilge küçük gülümsemesi güvenle konuştu Tek yönlü bir bilet ayarlad...
The Other Side Of Paradise [Turkish translation]
Ben genç ve aptalken, Aşkım bir rock’n roll yıldızı olmak için ayrıldı. Bana söyledi, lütfen endişelenme. Çok güvenli konuşan, bilge küçük bir gülümse...
The Other Side Of Paradise [Vietnamese translation]
Khi tôi vẫn còn trẻ dại Người tình của tôi rời bỏ tôi đi để trở thành siêu sao nhạc rock Anh ấy bảo tôi:"Xin em đừng lo lắng quá." Với một nụ cười thô...
Toes lyrics
Put your hand down, boy Welcome to my zoo Put your head inside My big black wild while I can still help you See the snake-baboon Funky, chic and smoot...
Glass Animals
United Kingdom
Alternative, Indie, Pop, Psychedelic, R&B/Soul, Rock, Trip
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Excellent Songs recommendation
Acordai, pastorinhas lyrics
जब सामने तुम [Jab Samne Tum] [Transliteration]
A todos um bom Natal [German translation]
Adeste Fideles [English translation]
Christmas Carols - Aculzu a Betlemme
A todos um bom Natal lyrics
A Betlem me'n vull anar [Korean translation]
A Betlem me'n vull anar [Italian translation]
Aculzu a Betlemme [Korean translation]
Christmas Carols - The Friendly Beasts
Popular Songs
Ich fand ein Herz in Portofino [I Found My Love in Portofino] lyrics
Adeste Fideles [German translation]
Acordai, pastorinhas [Italian translation]
A Christmas Carol - Theme [Korean translation]
Acordai, pastorinhas [French translation]
A Christmas Carol - Theme lyrics
She's Not Him lyrics
Ach, ubogi żłobie [Korean translation]
Beni Dertler Öldürmüş lyrics
Acordai, pastorinhas [Romanian translation]
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Unknown Artist (Filipino)
She Was Pretty (OST)
Koma Azad
Norman Doray
Rooftop House Studio
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Crowded House
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Ne boysya, ya s toboy! (OST)
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Nedjo Kostić
Peter Bjorn and John
Emilíana Torrini
Seo In Guk
Chester Page
Braća sa Dinare
Osip Mandelshtam
Giorgio Caproni
One More Happy Ending (OST)
Alina Gingertail
Clint Eastwood
Litsa Giagkousi
David Deyl
Gaëtan Roussel
Vedan Kolod
YZYX (Gurodoll)
Dollar Bill
Clara (Vocaloid)
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MIRIAM (Vocaloid)
MIZKI (Vocaloid)
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Beto Cuevas
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Güler Duman
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Boca Livre
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CYO Style
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Potenciano Gregorio, Sr.
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Nil Prosciutto
Polka Dots and Moonbeams lyrics
Min bøn til dig [All i ask of you] [Finnish translation]
Ned igen [Down once more] [English translation]
Musikens ängel lyrics
Amore perduto lyrics
Greensleeves [All 18 verses] lyrics
J’aimerais tout que vous soyez là [Wishing you were somehow here again] [English translation]
Here in My Arms lyrics
What Every Girl Should Know lyrics
Maskenball lyrics
Nattens dragende musik [Music of the night] lyrics
Problem With Love lyrics
Farewell lovely Nancy lyrics
Scarborough Fair [Alternative Version] lyrics
Meine Reise ist zu Ende lyrics
Masquerade/Why So Silent lyrics
Как ты прекрасна [Kak ty prekrasna] lyrics
Nattens musik [German translation]
Min bøn til dig [All i ask of you] lyrics
Lost Horizon lyrics
Ο Χάρτης [O Hartis] lyrics
Сыновья [Synov'ya] lyrics
Эх, Одесса [Ekh, Odessa] lyrics
Line for Lyons lyrics
When I'm Not Near the Boy I Love lyrics
Η αποτυχία της Αριστεράς [I apotikhía tis Aristerás] lyrics
Guardian Angel lyrics
Maskenball [English translation]
Andy's Chest lyrics
La musique de la nuit [Music of the Night] lyrics
Она Вернётся [Ona Vernyotsa] lyrics
Male e odio intorno a me [Down Once More] [English translation]
Könntest du doch wieder bei mir sein [English translation]
Le Point de Non-Retour lyrics
Την πλήρωσα πολλές φορές [Tin plirosa polles fores] lyrics
Learn To Be Lonely [Swedish translation]
Serenata lyrics
Срібна тополина [Sribna topolyna] lyrics
Nattens musik [English translation]
La musique de la nuit [Music of the Night] [English translation]
Τσιγγάνας γάλα [Tsiganas gala] lyrics
Queen of Mean lyrics
Learn To Be Lonely [Turkish translation]
Musikens ängel [German translation]
It Had to Be You lyrics
Le Fantôme de l'Opéra lyrics
Masquerade/Why So Silent [Finnish translation]
Living Proof lyrics
گفتمش بیا عاشقم هنوز [Goftamash biya ashegham hanooz] lyrics
Le Miroir [The Mirror] lyrics
Kiss Me, Honey Honey, Kiss Me lyrics
عادك إلا صغير [3adek Ella Se3'eer] lyrics
Learn To Be Lonely [Russian translation]
Nattens musik lyrics
Lo Specchio [The Mirror] [English translation]
Mehr will ich nicht von dir [English translation]
The Phantom of the Opera [Sarah Brightman and Steve Harley Version] lyrics
Vendeur de larmes lyrics
Le Fantôme de l'Opéra [English translation]
Könntest du doch wieder bei mir sein lyrics
Little Lotte [Finnish translation]
Lo Specchio [The Mirror] lyrics
Male e odio intorno a me [Down Once More] lyrics
Home lyrics
Ya Zama Nadan Malanga lyrics
Musica per noi [Music of the Night] [English translation]
Musica per noi [Music of the Night] lyrics
Learn To Be Lonely [Turkish translation]
Le Miroir [The Mirror] [English translation]
Mark Bernes - Тополя [Topolya]
שלי לעולמים [Sheli L"Olamim] lyrics
Φραγκοσυριανή [Fragosiriani] lyrics
Remember, Remember The 5th Of November lyrics
By The Light of the Silvery Moon lyrics
Please Don't Be Scared lyrics
Oración Caribe lyrics
Yellow lyrics
لوخيروني [Law Khayarooni] lyrics
Guaglione lyrics
Learn To Be Lonely [Italian translation]
Im Hafen von Sewastopol lyrics
Contigo aprendí lyrics
Sola lyrics
Le Fantôme de l'Opéra [Finnish translation]
Doris Day - The Black Hills of Dakota
مینه کول خو [Meena Kawal Kho] lyrics
Widecombe Fair [Tom Pearce] lyrics
Boombox lyrics
Little Lotte lyrics
Musikens ängel [English translation]
Ner igen lyrics
Kalokairi lyrics
Learn To Be Lonely lyrics
Is Your Love Strong Enough lyrics
Kygo - Love Me Now
Mehr will ich nicht von dir lyrics
Ned igen [Down once more] lyrics
Min bøn til dig [All i ask of you] [English translation]
Nattens dragende musik [Music of the night] [English translation]
Learn To Be Lonely [Finnish translation]
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