Woolgoolgaringa [Uel mae sae] lyrics

Songs   2024-04-29 11:15:31

Woolgoolgaringa [Uel mae sae] lyrics

Will my sigh*, will my sigh

I know you stand my fry

You're nover a well

Well my sigh, well my sigh

I nover nes first, you're nover na chy

I nover nes first you frost to pray

You was my stay you-u-u

Use do over time

You no once do you gracer

Caused night over time

Used my once day you-u-u

Used my dover friend

You know what I time

You no more there

You girls were not true

Use like a play you'll dime

Use that I paid

You no one trime

I send not true you nuts over time

Will my sigh, will my sigh

I know one trees mor or hor a dwigh

O-o-o-s there not there

Knows by bright

They all his shoes no over time

Say and is a nore for a sail san


You was my stay you-u-u

Use do over time

You no once do you gracer

Caused night over time

Used my once day you-u-u

Used my dover friend

You know what I time

You no more there

You girls were not true

Use like a play you'll dime

Use that I paid

You no one trime

I send not true you nuts over time

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  • country:Italy
  • Languages:Italian, English, Spanish, German+5 more, French, Italian (Roman dialect), Cape Verdean, Unknown, Other
  • Genre:Pop, Rock 'n' Roll, Singer-songwriter
  • Official site:http://clancelentano.it/index.php/it/
  • Wiki:https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adriano_Celentano
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