Nový Človek [English translation]
Nový Človek [English translation]
I'm greeting you, you got here so you probably mean it seriously. And you're probably asking, why I named this album as New Person. It's because I think that it's the most important thing that's happening right now.
We live here in really interesting era, one big and important change, new consciousness is approaching, no Messiah is going to save us, everyone has to save himself, everyone has to change their own from a caddice into a buttefly.
Listen to this story, it's about a person that is called New. He lives in a town called Old World, it's a place like all of the others, but something unusual happened to me here. Everything there is upside down and its occupants even think that they're the only ones fare and wide.
In the town lives a doctor that cares about people, but Mr. doctor got worried by the time, that when everyone's gonna be healthy he's gonna be worthless and that's why he poisoned the whole town and now everyone is dependent upon him.
The mayor have fallen ill too, he is really old person and he's afraid of the death, because he has got used to his status and influence, he has fully forgotten, that he represents people and he's sure that he knows what's best for everyone and he leads it from upwards like in a puppet theatre.
In the town lives a sheriff, too, that helps and guards people, but when he saw the mayor as he was raking we got worried that nothing would be left for him. He started to trespass his power and now the people aren't all tantamount for him.
In the town is a church, too, where sad faces sing sad songs. They say that this is the way how they pray for God and the parson always talks about Heaven and Hell, and that's why a few people which listen to him really know something about the life on the earth.
In the town is a school, too, but they teach there, that 2+2=5 and children which don't want to conciliate with that drop out. Those ones have a chance, but the majority of children in the school completely loses common sense.
The last chance was a local radio. Broadcast where they report news and during the weekend play music to entertain people for a little. But something has happened in this radio too and now they play the same sad song still over and over.
The New has one day woken up, look through the window to the reality and realized, that he doesn't fit in here. that he ain't Old person, so he decided to go away from the town. He doesn't know where is he directed, but he does know, that he doesn't want to play these old plays anymore. And here my word ends, but the story continues, You on Your own have to finish this story.
The New is ready to take any direction which you order, you order his way from this moment/position, You are the New Person!
The Old Person wanted to be moneyed,
to be highly valued and very famous
he was smart and could do many things,
but the saparated himself from the source and this move ain't right,
he was thinking just about getting more money
because crazy and terrible lust leads him,
his ego has grown up, bigger than it was supposed to be
now he doesn't see anyone, just his phizog (face)
But now is on the death bed,
ends, going for the eternal sleep
he is psychically ill and he lives in an illusion
that's why he doesn't have the claim for leading in the New world
the New Person's coming
and he's gonna expel the old smell, like a fresh breeze
depends on us if we make him the way
and if we build groundworks for this Air Palace
the past is dead, even beautiful, even bad
it was, it has no power, until you don't give the power for it by yourself
the power is in present and when you seek for it,
somewhere else, I have bad news, you won't find it there
here and now in the same time, same place
somewhere there inside, you know it surely,
it's possible to accept, you can't manage it
but the spacetime has rules like that
I don't believe in luck, for which you have to wait
until it finally comes to your life,
until you go for something sturdily, with enthusiasm
the sea is gonna open in the front of you
and even if you're the only one who sees the truth
the truth is always the truth even if they don't understand
and they laugh at you, because you have no proof,
(ha!) like the Earth was flat.
And people killed that illusion,
that their world of God's made, is the middle of space
it's a huge crap, but the truth is that,
everyone carries one of the center of space in himself
this is the place where the sun shines from
and if you return here for a little,
you'll realize that what's happening here now
is the new flat Earth
And people believe that they are the smartest again
and that nature should adapt to them
instead of aligning with it, they go against it
and admit, that it takes that big average away
it won't take a long time, the indifference, the truth is going to come to the front of the community
they're gonna laugh at it, they're gonna fight with it
and at the end they are gonna accept in like a sure thing
And the first New People already see those flashs of light
which the knowledge brings here
The New Person says YES for the life
and it doesn't mean, that unrecognizability
appreciates the knowledge the most of all
knows how dangerous the unrecognizability is
and the biggest myth for spreading the fear
is the game for bad conscience.
The history of humanity is a sad story
Millenniums we are dying in fight
it seems like we really do love wars
when we send our own people to a war
finally is the peace in range
but we refuse to connect all of the points
being, or not being, in which world living
everyone has to choose which side does he stand on
The New Person already knows the secret
which will cancel the malediction
to let the peace become to this planet
the person has to find ease in soul
those gambles and those manipulation
don't have to be part of the evolution
it was enough of this bad vibration
we live here in the times of revolutions
Something like the flower has grown up
on the planet where were growing just grass and weed
something like when the 1st monkey figured out
that it hasn't 4 legs, but 2, and that has 2 arms
this time people are finally gonna find out
that everyone here on Earth are 1 family
white, black, yellow, red,
brothers and sisters, the same God hugs us
Soon we're gonna find out
that nothing does matter, even if we don't feel it today yet
we heve the truth right in front of our nose
and we don't see the woods for those trees
and the only way is through the person in the mirror
but not with ego, but without it,
may the dog doesn't have to teach us for forgiving and gratitude
Body is an amazing thing, but it's just a mail box, something like a space suit
without a soul it doesn't mean more than a piece of meat
spirit is the thing what gives it the personality
and when the soul is nice, the beauty is in home
and when families are OK, the hush is in the country
and when on the Earth is ease, everyone is peaceful
and peace is among people
The life how we know it, ends
but it also means, that new door are opening
ideals were made by someone else
but in new era people make them of their owns
they choose their direction of energy
by their attention, by things what they have in minds
by those thing which are they just asking for, in that way
that they pray to do it correct
God, allow me to know how to
-appreciate every new reason for smile
-see my mistakes like a challenges
-how to find new (way) if the old one didn't success
give me eyes which can see the beauty,
May I don't seek the salvation in heaven
I know that the heaven and the hell
is in my virtues and in my vice,
I dream like I would be able to live forever
but I live like I would live the last day
everyone is the 1st and the last of their kind
Everyone is holy, I know,
I just wanna keep the world slighly better
than (like it was) when I came here
I'm glad that I contributed with something
and didn't shed it lower, but took it higher.
(Ah!) And it's not about walking barefoot or wearing a suit
it's not about gender, race, nationality, religion and it's not about age
the heart knows the right way, and anyone can discover it,
be good person, you are also a New Person!
- Artist:Majk Spirit
- Album:Nový Človek