L’instant présent [English translation]

Songs   2024-04-27 07:34:40

L’instant présent [English translation]

This very moment is intangible

It is light and elusive

Suspended in air and time

It only has

A short time on earth

This very moment wears blinkers

This very moment is so fragile

That it can’t stand still

Without a moan without a cry

It barely arrived and runs away

Before going down in history

This very moment has no claim to fame

During this passage

It can only lead a sober life

As already close to it, stands

The next one that will do neither more

nor less

This very moment has no dream

It barely arrived and comes to an end already

It is savage, it is fearful

It is powerless, it is captive

Of the second that will be born

This very moment should die out

This very moment must be taken

With tender gestures and words

To make it a future, and a past

In our hearts and our minds

And build for it an existence

This very moment is our chance

This very moment does not have a rest

Not on the way, it offers itself

To grab it, you must be determined

You see, it’s already too late

Take the next one, here it goes

This very moment disappears quickly

For our love quite openly

If we are sincere and swift

By lining them end to end

We can have a lot

On our own

This very moment can be ours

If we chain it up with others

Come while I grab it

Listen to the words that I am saying

I won’t say them the same again

This very moment is a problem

But If you love me and if I love you

This very moment of our twenties

Will live long

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  • country:France
  • Languages:French, English, Italian, Spanish+3 more, German, Russian, Armenian
  • Genre:Singer-songwriter
  • Official site:http://www.charlesaznavour-lesite.fr/
  • Wiki:https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Aznavour
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