Grande mistero [English translation]
Grande mistero [English translation]
The blackbird will keep asking,
Tapping its beak
On the eaves, unsheathed,
The only sword he got:
O night, night
why do you hug all of us
But in the end you seem
Never even look at us
And even the black cat will say so,
Sleeping over a fridge
In the open dump
Among flowers trodden down:
O wave, wave
Why do you bring back everything
When in a single blow
You will take back everything
Rocking moons, 1
I've ridden quite some along forbidden roads
Being held at bladepoint by the days
I've lost a fat bunch of things but
I've also filled my pockets
With sun-coins
And with ice balls struck with a header 2
But this rumbling I got in my breath 3
Remains my great
Big mystery
Big mystery
You'll get it by looking closely at the bat
In search of its path
Under a broken street-lamp
Taking bends that you can't experience:
O darkness, darkness
Why did you almost catch me
But as soon as I gave in
You then went away
You are going to remember balls of clouds
And threads of rain
Fallen here by mistake
Over the old gate:
O wind, wind
You get stuck to these boughs
You mingle to the sighs
And then you're going to steal them
Rocking moons
I've ridden quite some along forbidden roads
Being held at bladepoint by the days
I've lost a fat bunch of things but
I've also filled my pockets
With sun-coins
And with ice balls struck with a header
But this rumbling I got in breath
Remains my great
Big mystery
Big mystery
Big mystery
Big mystery
1. A pun with 'rocking chairs', of course suggested by their shape. 2. Just like in a soccer game. 3. Literally: this rumbling I got under my breath. The original phrasing sounds quite cryptic, and does not share the meaning of the English idiom 'under one's breath', i.e. 'said in a whisper'. So I had to rephrase and try not to miss the whole point.
- Artist:Irene Fornaciari
- Album:Grande mistero