Das alte Karussell [English translation]
Das alte Karussell [English translation]
The old carousel
It doesn't go as fast anymore
The ponies and the wagones
They don't want to get going
flattering doesn't help either
And neither does putting up new boards
there is only one thing that does help:
Once in a while it has to be greased
And also the old organ
It squeaks like a mouse
And sometimes it can't take it anymore
Then it just turns off
The old carousel
It doesn't go as fast anymore
The phonies and the wagons
They don't want to get going
The small ones and the large ones
They pull and push
And that way it goes round in circles
The ponies are trotting
And pulling on the wagons
And the organ is getting young again
A funny thing
This old carousel
From down to above everything is shifted
But it still goes round in a circiel
The old carousel
It doesn't go as fast anymore
The ponies and the wagons
They don't want to get going
The old carousel, ooh......
The old carousel
- Artist:Lys Assia
- Album:Eurovision Song Contest 1956