Always lyrics

Songs   2024-04-29 04:58:03

Always lyrics

The morning after

Still hear your laughter

Why can't we sleep always?

The party's over

I'm gettin sober

Why can't we sleep always?

You better believe - you sucker!

You better believe - you sucker!

You better believe - you sucker!

You better believe - you sucker!

Ready to softly kill my pain

Ready to slightly lose my brain

Ready to softly kill my pain

Ready to slightly go insane

And while I'm dreaming

Still hear you screaming

Why can't we sleep always?

I'm so relendless

But nothing's endless

Why can't we sleep always?

You better believe - you sucker!

You better believe - you sucker!

You better believe - you sucker!

You better believe - you sucker!

Ready to softly kill my pain

Ready to slightly lose my brain

Ready to softly kill my pain

Ready to slightly go insane

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  • country:Germany
  • Languages:German, English
  • Genre:Industrial, Metal, Rock
  • Official site:
  • Wiki:
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