No Reason lyrics
No Reason lyrics
I am not highly sensitive person.
What's the first thing you think about
when you tell you that?
That must be shy and introverted?
Or perhaps very emotional
or maybe even that you need to walk
on egg shells around me.
The common assumption
about highly sensitive people
is that we are somehow weak
and fragile creatures for pick
and loosing ticket
in the genetic clock theory of life
And our society,
men are not supposed to be
sensitive but aggressive, and competitive.
The next time you feel like telling someone,
‘you are too sensitive’ I would ask you to stop and pause.
Feel that pause with understanding.
You will see that the simple act of acceptance
will UPLIFT both of you.
who would you be ?
without Leonardo da Vinci ?
Or without Mozart?
without 엔에이세닌?
Or 바작? Or Mother theresa? Or Gandhi?
Our world look almost certainly be a shape darker
When you need to come together, as a society,
to rewrite the negative culture narrative
about sensitivity and turn it into a positive one.
- Artist:JUSTHIS & Paloalto
- Album:4 the Youth