Там, на самом, на краю Земли [Tam, na samom, na krayu Zemli] [English translation]
Там, на самом, на краю Земли [Tam, na samom, na krayu Zemli] [English translation]
Over there on the Earth's very edge
In a distant land beyond blue haze,
Paying heed to the unheard-of words,
Blood's so sweetly sweetly growing cold.
Winds glide there almost touching stars,
Over there trees're not afraid of storms,
Ships are dreaming of the ocean ledge
Over there on the Earth's very edge.
Why my heart rips from the wounded chest.
For a moment please slow down your pace.
In the heavens clear voice is heard,
Bright star rises over my blue Earth.
- Artist:Piknik (Russia)
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