Оркестр [Orkestr] [English translation]
Оркестр [Orkestr] [English translation]
I will be short. If what -
Earthquake or storm
Or tsunami and all world is upside down
Or confusion in heads -
I wll be short. In two words
Or even in one.
Or I don't need any words
And wind was blowing over heads
And all people bowed their heads
Like no one knew the words
Orhestra played music
And pigeons scattered.
That's it, that's it
That's orhestra playing in time
That's it. That's it. That's it.
Flag flew over house,
And enemy appeared in the sky
And began to whirl over city.
Enemies crippled him,
And when they surrounded him,
They starved city.
And city made a sign of cross,
And blessed himself with this cross
For don't let put a cross(**) on him.
My city saved his reputation
Broke the blockade ring
And orhestra is calling again.
That's it, that's it
That's orhestra playing in time
That's it. That's it. That's it.
When you getting soaked under rain
Lightnings and thunders are sparkling
Until your heart is not totally chilled out.
You will have such many things ahead
But look - brilliant view
And new home, and garden, and son
Between totally foreign lands
Drunkness fly away in a moment
Drunkness fly away on number 37(***)
Now i know what to say
You stay to winter (****)
You stay forever
Orhestra's playing for everyone
That's it, that's it
That's orhestra playing in time
That's it. That's it. That's it.
That's it, that's it
That's orhestra playing in time
That's it. That's it. That's it.
(*) Next two strophes are about Leningrad Blockade
(**)Russian idiome for "put an end"
(***)Quote from Vladimir Vysotsky's poem "Who ended life tragically" about short living of poets. 37 is the age when A. Pushkin and V. Mayakovsky died.
(****)Reference to song "Stay to winter" by Splean
- Artist:Splean
- Album:Резонанс. Часть 2 | 2014