На безымянной высоте [Na bezymyannoy vysotye] [English translation]
На безымянной высоте [Na bezymyannoy vysotye] [English translation]
The grove was smoking by the hill,
And with it burned hot red sunset;
Only the three of us are breathing still
From company of eighteen lads.
How many of them, good friends of mine,
Left in the darkness there to lie-
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
The falling rocket lit the sky,
Like a star that burns last time...
Who saw it once in their life,
Will keep forever in his mind.
He won't forget, he won't forget
Those fierce attacks by day and night-
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
Buzzing above were Messerschmitts,
And one could see like in a daylight
But only stronger grew our friendship
Under artillery criss cross fight
And no matter how hard it was,
You were true to dreams and sacrifice-
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
I often dream of those lads
The war days dear friends of mine;
Our dugout with triple layer set,
Above it burned down pine.
As if once more I'm with them
Stand on the line of fire fight-
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
Near unknown little village,
On top of nameless bloody height.
- Artist:Dmitriy Hvorostovskiy