I Can Fly lyrics

Songs   2024-04-29 14:21:59

I Can Fly lyrics

I can fly,

You had me caged up like a bird in the summer,

You saw me waiting,

I was crazy on fire,

Waiting to fly, I can fly.

I had bright wishes in the summer,

I was bathing in sunlight,

Painting in the garden,

Like a ghost in mid-July,

Running fast from something,

With my eyes wide like saucers,

Spinning in the sun.

I had a dream that I was fine,

I wasn’t crazy, I was divine.

I can fly,

You had me caged up like a bird in the summer,

You saw me waiting,

I was crazy on fire,

Waiting to fly, I can fly.

Your lies were hard kisses in the summer,

I was dreaming of a lake,

Dreaming of the water,

Where I’d rise like a Phoenix,

Soaring high and from the fire,

I’ve got things to tell you,

Like I know that you’re a liar.

I had a dream that I was fine,

I wasn’t crazy, I was divine.

I can fly,

You had me caged up like a bird in the summer,

You saw me waiting,

I was crazy on fire,

Waiting to fly, I can fly.

You words cut,

Like a knife in butter,

I was fighting for my art,

Fighting with my lover.

You had me so tied up,

Thinking there’s no other,

Yeah, right,

Yeah, right.

I can fly,

You had me caged up like a bird in the summer,

You saw me waiting,

I was crazy on fire,

Waiting to fly, I can fly.

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  • country:United States
  • Languages:English, French, Spanish
  • Genre:Alternative, Indie, Psychedelic, Psychobilly, Trip Hop
  • Official site:http://lanadelrey.com
  • Wiki:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lana_Del_Rey
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