Mojo Nixon: Gadzooks!!! The Homemade Bootleg

News   2025-03-23 07:31:29

Mojo Nixon's outrageous, self-aggrandizing, ribald, rockabilly-laced roots-rock is usually good for a chuckle; he's such a fun-loving bastard that you can't help but root for him and his common-man anthems about drinking beer, getting laid and engaging in other illicit behavior. Gadzooks!!! is a 17-song foray into the diseased mind of Mojo, and it's a pretty generous, well-recorded bunch of bootlegs. Like all of Nixon's recordings, you'll enjoy it a lot more the more hammered you are; otherwise, you'll have trouble appreciating the delicate, cerebral nuances of "The Poontango," "Amsterdam Dogshit Blues" and "High School Is A Prison." But if you're looking for dumb music to get drunk and screw to, you could do a lot worse.

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