東京流れ者 [Tōkyō Nagaremono] [English translation]
東京流れ者 [Tōkyō Nagaremono] [English translation]
Drifting, drifting in Tokyo
Even if strolling and weak on the outside 1
In his heart flows the blood of a tough man
Life is just one flower
Aah Tokyo drifter
Even if he's lost in the dark of night
He still bears with utmost devotion
His youthful and earnest pure heart
Life is like a Naniwabushi tale 2
Aah Tokyo drifter
Even though it's a road that turns and twists
Once decided he continues without fail
In times of lies and flattery
Isn't it good that there's a guy like that
Aah Tokyo drifter
1. 軟派 as opposed to 硬派 2. From a Chinese explanation, using google transalte: Originated in Osaka at the end of the Edo period (so called the Wave), the performance was performed by one person, accompanied by the accompaniment of the shamisen. The content of the story is mainly based on stories, military records (war stories). In addition, some topics about loyalty between people or warmth between people are also mentioned. The use of the Wave Festival as an adjective (naniwabushiteki of the Wave Festival) is to describe people who pay attention to the loyalty or human touch between people. https://tw.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20050308000010KK01460&gu...
- Artist:Meiko Kaji