Sublime mujer [English translation]
Sublime mujer [English translation]
Because I have more than one lover, the world judges me;
because I haven't respected the laws that bind our society,
because I haven't been able to stop the steed of desire,
because I haven't been able to spend 7 nights in the same bed.
But what am I to do, if it is who I am,
I surrender myself to the being called woman;
If you are one of the men who has devoted themselves to one woman,
by God I congratulate you, tell me the secret, faithful friend.
Because, for me, the smell of a woman's perfume is enough,
to become a slave, crazy and romantic, in the best way.
But what am I to do, if it is who I am,
I was born to love you, Woman Sublime
Because as time passes I will never find another being
that provokes such tenderness, passion, and craze with such pleasure
because I wouldn't trade anything in the world for that moment,
of seeing the sublime, and the kiss in ecstasy, blessed woman.
Because it was a woman who gave me life,
that is why I bless you woman sublime;
because I haven't met a vice stronger than that of a woman.
that blessed vice that embitters me, which sweetens me.
Because only she has the magic potion and the power to change a man to a simple beggar or gentleman as well,
because it was a woman who gave me life;
I praise you, blessed woman.
- Artist:Vicente Fernández