Qu'est ce qu'on attend [English translation]
Qu'est ce qu'on attend [English translation]
But what, but what do you expect if you fuck with fire?
The years pass, but everything is still in its place
More tarmac so even less of the space
which is so necessary for people's sense of balance
No man is an island (lit: nobody is isolated), but it's all like
it's like telling us that France will advance while considering
stopping delinquence through repression
Please, a bit of common sense
Beatings won't sort out the state of emergency
I can tell you that in a heartbeat (lit: that's for sure)
Which makes me wonder
How much longer will all this last
Everything ought to have cracked years ago now
Shame that unity has been on our side
But you know that that's going to end badly, all that
You wanted a war of the worlds, well here it is
But what, but what do you expect if you fuck with fire?
But what do you expect when you don't play by the rules?
I've just been living gagged, essentially
Which is what society wants, in fact
But it's time for that to end, to be replaced by energy (lit: joy)
So that our youth with a hand uncouth (lit: vengeful)
Burns down the police state first of all and
Sends the republic to burn on the same pyre
Oh yes!
Our time is come, it's our turn to roll the dice
To decide therefore to equip ourselves mentally
What you are ????, you don't see, you pretend you don't understand
I actually reckon you don't really give yourself the choice
Many are already in this positionAnd that's why this will finish in chaos (lit: disarray)
Chaos already king, the rural world is an example
Chaos already king, you will go down the same slope, slow agony
That's why I attack the whores of incompetent politics
Which has diminished France
So now is no longer the time for indulgence
But for facts, through the fire, which to my eyes seems to be the best
So that people take us a bit. a bit more seriously
From now on the street won't be forgiving
We have nothing to lose, because we've never had anything
If I was in your shoes I wouldn't be sleeping easily
The bourgeoisie could tremble, the hooligans are in town
Not for a party, what do you expect if you fuck with fire?
Let's go to the Elysée, burn the old men
And the old women, some day they gotta pay
The psychopath which sleeps within me is waking up
Where are our reparations?
Who should we look up to? (lit: who are our models?)
You have burned the wings of a whole generation (lit: of a whole youth)
Shattered their dreams, dried up the lifeblood of hope
Oh! When I think about it
It's time for us to think about it, it's time for France
To deign to take seriously these issues (lit: become aware of these offences)
To at least draw some lessons from the shameful things which have happened (lit: To make of these shameful things some lessons, getting away lightly)
But even when the cup is full
History teaches us our chances are slim
So let's stop everything, rather that this drags
Or drains even more of the hatred
Let's unite to burn down this system
- Artist:Suprême NTM