Коляда [Kolyada] [English translation]
Коляда [Kolyada] [English translation]
To a high mountain, bending over water,
The wise men came to worship Kolyada1
He came down to the earth from the heavens!
In his hand, a golden sceptre shines,
The son of Dazhdbog2, for hundreds of years
Will be teaching us the faith of the Vedas3.
Endure your pains4, Golden Maya5,
Koleda, Koleda!
From the mighty Dazhdbog
give birth to a young God!
On Svarog’s Eve6 the baby was born,
In the face of God he appeared to us.
No sooner Chernobog7
Knew of Kolyada’s birth.
Than at his behest
Dazhdbog was immured in ice.
Maya returned to the kingdom of navi8
Letting her son sail away by the water,
Instructing Kolyada to go
To Hors9 and Zarya10, towards the dawn 11
You are holy, holy and great
In heaven and on earth!
Glory to be to your face
O, Pure Kolyada!
And the wise men gathered
To search for Kolyada.
But they looked at the sky,
They gazed upon a star.
And they followed the star.
A star led them to the dawn.
In the hands of Zoryushka-Zarya
Lies the baby - Kolyada!
Endure your pains Maya
Koleda, Koleda!
From the mighty Dazhdbog
give birth to a young God!
On Svarog’s Eve the baby was born,
In the face of God he appeared to us.
1. Kolyada is the Slavic god representing the young, winter sun returning after solstice2. Dazhdbog was one of the major gods of Slavic mythology. He was the sun god, whose fame became so huge that he started to be considered as a culture hero. People used to ask him for help when they desired wealth. He was the patron of the ones who wanted to carry the power in their hands.3. Book of Knowledge and Wisdom4. translation from ancient Slavic to Russian: Потриди са = Потрудись5.
In Slavic mythology, Maya is one of the divine forces of nature, the force that gives life – the sun with the rain. Maya is therefore a goddess of nature, regarded as the bearer of the gifts of crops. She is often depicted as a beautiful mature woman, holding heads of grain and ripe fruit.6. Svarog’s Day, equinox https://slavyanskieoberegi.ru/slavyanskie-prazdniki/den-svaroga/7. Chernobog is a Slavic deity, whose name means black god, about whom much has been speculated but little can be said definitively8. https://ru.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Явь,_правь_и_навь9. God Hors helps them survive demanding time. He was a healer, whose support meant the winning over the illness. He brought healing and calming energy.10. Zorya is the goddess of beauty. Her name literally means "Light" or "Aurora" or “Dawn”, and she manifests as three goddesses, described as daughters of Dazhdbog11. Zarenitsa, Zorushka are diminutive of Zarya / Dawn
- Artist:Arkona
- Album:Vozrozhdenie (Возрождение)