J-Ax Lyrics
Supercalifragili lyrics
Ti racconto la mia storia attenta fa paura È un frontale a 180 senza la cintura Non c'è niente da tagliare, ve la lascio pura Tutta natura sono schiaf...
Supercalifragili [English translation]
I'll tell you my story, be warned it's a scary one It's a head on crash at 180 with no seatbelt There's nothing to cut out, I'm leaving it as is All n...
Supercalifragili [Russian translation]
Я расскажу тебе свою историю, осторожно, она пугает Это лобовое столкновение на 180 км в час без ремня Нечего вырезать, я оставлю её вам чистой Всё на...
Bimbiminkia4life lyrics
1 Eooh eoohooh Eooh eoohooh Meglio non crescere mai. Eooh eoohooh Noi bimbiminkia 4 life. Eooh eoohooh ‟Il giovane d’oggi non vale una cicca” dicevano...
Bimbiminkia4life [English translation]
*1 Eooh eoohooh Eooh eoohooh It's better never to grow up Eooh eoohooh We're noobs4life Eooh eoohooh "Today's youngsters are worthless" Said the old m...
Uno di quei giorni lyrics
Lasciami qua non c’è niente che non va. Per una volta che potevo stare a letto per davvero mi suona il cellulare guardo l’ora 8 punto 00. metto il pie...
Uno di quei giorni [English translation]
Leave me here there's nothing wrong. For once I could actually stay in bed My mobile rings, I see the time is 8am. I put my feet on the ground, I feel...
Uno di quei giorni [Polish translation]
Zostaw mnie tu, nie ma nic złego. Po raz pierwszy mogę w ogóle zostać w łóżku Moja komórka dzwoni, patrzę - jest godzina 8.00 Wstaję z łóżka, trochę m...
Ancora in piedi lyrics
Come te, m’hanno creato per consumare, un feto abbandonato in ’sto bidone culturale, questo è un vandalismo musicale grazie al quale ho visto cose che...
Ancora in piedi [English translation]
Like you, they created me to consume. An abandoned fetus in this trashcan, filled with different cultures. It’s musical vandalism, thanks to which I s...
Come io comanda lyrics
È un disturbo che comincia quando sei bambino anche se sei un mostro dicono che carino poi vai a scuola e capisci cosa fa figo puoi diventare vecchio ...
Come io comanda [English translation]
It's a disease that starts when you're a child, even if you're horrible, they tell you that you're cute, then you go to school and learn what makes yo...
Come un sasso lyrics
(come un sasso che) (l’acqua tira giù) (dove vorresti tu non vado mai) A 16 anni la speranza mi ha già abbandonato bocciato all’itis a san donato vole...
Come un sasso [English translation]
(like a stone that) (the water pulls down) (where you would want to, I never go) At 16 years hope has already abandoned me Flunked at itis at San Dona...
Cristoforo Colombo lyrics
Ho trovato scuse e ho perso del tempo Ma seguivo la rotta e non badavo al vento Lo sguardo fisso dentro la cartina Cercando vie d'uscita, svelate a ne...
Deca Dance lyrics
L'Italia chiama, J-Ax risponde!... Energia! Sale, sale non fa male Sale, sale non fa male Sale, sale non fa male Sale, sale non fa male Io sono nato i...
Deca Dance [English translation]
Italy calls, J-ax answers.... Power! It pumps it up and it doesn't hurt It pumps it up and it doesn't hurt It pumps it up and it doesn't hurt It pumps...
Dentro Me lyrics
Mi piacerebbe affidarmi alla religione, ad un partito, ad un capo, a una professione, come la maggioranza delle persone, perché ho passato da un pezzo...
Dentro Me [English translation]
Deep inside me I’d love to put my trust in religion, in a political party, in a leader, in a career just like most people do because I’m way past the ...
Dentro Me [Hungarian translation]
Jó lenne a vallásra bízi magam, egy pártra, egy főnökre, egy állásra, mint az emberek többsége mert távoztam a lázadás korának egy darabjából Jó lenne...
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Excellent Songs recommendation
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No preguntes lyrics
So wie ich [Close to You] lyrics
Amigos nada más lyrics
V máji lyrics
Kogo Nasza Miłość Obchodzi lyrics
Pennies from Heaven lyrics
When I'm Not Near the Boy I Love lyrics
Popular Songs
Que silêncio é esta voz? lyrics
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على اليمّة / على العقيق [Alal Yummah/ Alal-Aqeeq] lyrics
Akšam Geldi lyrics
O jeseni tugo moja lyrics
Senyera blanca [Bandera blanca] lyrics
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Τσιγγάνας γάλα [Tsiganas gala] lyrics
The Wild Reeds
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Liv Marit Wedvik
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Robin Gibb
Silje Nergaard
Los Bravos
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Huncho Jack
Until the Ribbon Breaks
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Joni James
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Fred Neil
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Nos queremos lyrics
I tre cumpari lyrics
On elämä laina [Russian translation]
Willie Nelson - On the Street Where You Live
Side by Side lyrics
I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby [If We Wanted To Be] lyrics
Laura tietää sen [Tongan translation]
Sä et oo enää mun [English translation]
Sä et olisi aamulla siinä [English translation]
Luna llena lyrics
Donegal Danny lyrics
Vanha nainen hunningolla lyrics
Traviesa lyrics
Minuetto lyrics
Por Que A Gente É Assim? lyrics
Sinä olet minun lyrics
Baro Bijav lyrics
I've Been Loving You Too Long lyrics
Lover, You Should've Come Over lyrics
Phoenix lyrics
Ewig lyrics
Kokeile mua [English translation]
Popeda [English translation]
On elämä laina [English translation]
Sä et olisi aamulla siinä lyrics
Ibrahim Ferrer - Veinte años
Sä et oo enää mun lyrics
Seliseli [English translation]
Παλιό τραγούδι [Palio tragoudi] lyrics
Toiset mimmit lyrics
Mambo Italiano lyrics
Altissimo verissimo lyrics
RISE lyrics
Tässä nää nyt on [English translation]
Ootte idioottei [English translation]
Ootte idioottei lyrics
On elämä laina [English translation]
Un poco di pioggia lyrics
Kohta hänen [English translation]
Sä et oo enää mun [French translation]
Le voyageur sans étoiles lyrics
Doormat lyrics
Η Ελένη [I Eléni] lyrics
Laura tietää sen [English translation]
Nur für einen Tag lyrics
Sydäntä särkee [English translation]
Seliseli [English translation]
Onko se oikein [English translation]
My Love lyrics
Onko se oikein lyrics
Vanha nainen hunningolla [Chinese translation]
Last Goodbye lyrics
Popeda lyrics
Muévelo lyrics
On elämä laina [Portuguese translation]
Nuori nero lyrics
Sylvia lyrics
Wisin - Pégate pa' que veas
It's A Crying Shame lyrics
Mónica Naranjo - Autómatas [p:Machinery]
Mi piacerebbe sapere lyrics
Ole vaan [Portuguese translation]
Kokeile mua lyrics
Samba p'ra Endrigo lyrics
Της δικαιοσύνης ήλιε νοητέ [Tis dikaiosinis ilie noite] lyrics
Seliseli lyrics
On elämä laina lyrics
Ausência lyrics
Niinku koko ajan lyrics
Dis-lui [de revenir] lyrics
Formalità lyrics
Sydäntä särkee lyrics
Christmas Lights lyrics
Dame tu calor lyrics
Jamás lyrics
La tua voce lyrics
Mia Martini - Chica chica bum
Toiset mimmit [English translation]
Thank you lyrics
Popeda [English translation]
here lyrics
California Blue lyrics
Corazón acelerao lyrics
Amor de antigamente lyrics
Σ΄ αγάπησα [S'agapisa] lyrics
Si lo hacemos Bien lyrics
Onko se oikein [Portuguese translation]
Laura tietää sen [French translation]
Laura tietää sen lyrics
Niinku koko ajan [English translation]
I Want To Live With You lyrics
Ole vaan [English translation]
Capitani coraggiosi lyrics
Adrenalina [Versión W] lyrics
Kohta hänen lyrics
Ole vaan lyrics
Tässä nää nyt on lyrics
Urfalı Sevmiş lyrics
On elämä laina [French translation]
Ela entrou como um pássaro no museu de memórias... lyrics
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