Elton John Featuring Lyrics
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Bulgarian translation]
Не мога да светя повече в тъмнината ти Всичките ми снимки изглежда избледняват до черно-бели Омръзва ми и времето стои спряло пред мен Замръзнал тук н...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Dutch translation]
[George Michael] Ik kan niet meer van jouw duisternis verlichten Al mijn beelden lijken te vervagen naar zwart en wit Ik begin moe te worden en de tij...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [French translation]
Je n'arrive plus à éclairer ton obscurité Toutes mes photos semblent se décolorer en noir et blanc Je commence à en avoir marre, et le temps s'arrête ...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [French translation]
Je peux pas allumer plus de ton obscurité Toutes mes peintures semblent passer à noire et blanche Je deviens fatigué et les temps s'arrêtent avant moi...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Greek translation]
Δεν μπορώ να φωτίσω πλέον το σκοτάδι σου Όλες μου οι εικόνες ξεθωριάζουν σε μαύρο και άσπροΕίμαι κουρασμένος κι ο χρόνος ακίνητος μπροστά μου Παγωμένo...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Hungarian translation]
Nem tudok világítani többé a sötétségben Minden képem úgy tűnik, elhalványul a fekete-fehérré Én egyre fáradok és élet még előttem áll Megfagyva itt e...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Romanian translation]
Nu-ţi mai pot lumina întunericul, Toate pozele mele par să devină alb-negru, Obosesc şi timpul se opreşte înaintea mea, Blocat aici, pe scara vieţii m...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Serbian translation]
Ne mogu više da osvetljavam tvoju tamu Sve moje slike izgleda da blede u crno-bele Sve sam umorniji a vreme stoji preda mnom Zamrznut ovde na lestvici...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Spanish translation]
No puedo iluminar más tu oscuridad Todas mis fotos parecen cambiar a blanco y negro Me estoy cansando y el tiempo se detiene ante mi Congelado aquí, e...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Turkish translation]
Karanlığını artık daha fazla ışıklandıramıyorum resimlerim siyah ve beyaza solacak gibi yorgun büyüyorum ve zaman hâlâ önümde duruyor Hayatımın merdiv...
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me [Turkish translation]
Senin karanlığını daha fazla aydınlatamam Bütün resimlerim siyah beyaz solacak gibi görünüyor yorgun büyüyorum ve zaman hala benim gerimde kalıyor Hay...
Donner pour donner lyrics
E.John: We're no handy silver lining We're no crime to make the headline news If it's a matter for decision You and I can be the ones to choose F.Gall...
Donner pour donner [English translation]
E.John: We're no handy silver lining We're no crime to make the headline news If it's a matter for decision You and I can be the ones to choose F Gall...
Donner pour donner [Finnish translation]
E.John: Emme ole asian kätevä valoisa puoli Emme ole rikos etusivun jutun aiheeksi Jos asia on päätöksestä kiinni, Niin valitsijoita saamme olla sinä ...
Donner pour donner [Romanian translation]
Nu ne pricepem să inspirăm optimism Nu suntem o crimă care apare pe prima pagină a ziarelor Dacă este vorba să decidem Tu și cu mine putem fi cei ce a...
El Dorado lyrics
Our glorious city Was build by the divinities by Gods Who saw fit to bestow The gift of a paradise Peaceful and harmonious upon Us mere mortals below ...
El Dorado [Finnish translation]
Our glorious city Was build by the divinities by Gods Who saw fit to bestow The gift of a paradise Peaceful and harmonious upon Us mere mortals below ...
El Dorado [French translation]
Our glorious city Was build by the divinities by Gods Who saw fit to bestow The gift of a paradise Peaceful and harmonious upon Us mere mortals below ...
El Dorado [Portuguese translation]
Our glorious city Was build by the divinities by Gods Who saw fit to bestow The gift of a paradise Peaceful and harmonious upon Us mere mortals below ...
El Dorado [Spanish translation]
Our glorious city Was build by the divinities by Gods Who saw fit to bestow The gift of a paradise Peaceful and harmonious upon Us mere mortals below ...
Elton John
United Kingdom
English, Italian, Constructed Language
Pop-Rock, R&B/Soul, Rock
Official site:
Excellent Songs recommendation
Écoute [Italian translation]
Come intro my world [Russian translation]
Capriccio lyrics
Κεμάλ [Kemál] lyrics
Tu o non tu lyrics
Dance [Greek translation]
Things Are Looking Up lyrics
Somo' O No Somos lyrics
Garça perdida lyrics
Come intro my world [Romanian translation]
Popular Songs
Spanish Eyes lyrics
A Sul da América lyrics
Crazy [Hungarian translation]
Egoísta lyrics
Laurindinha lyrics
Dance [Persian translation]
Dictadura lyrics
Os índios da Meia-Praia lyrics
Un guanto lyrics
Écoute [Greek translation]
Jeong In Seong
New Variety Band
Marika Larsson
Don Edwards
Roy Bulkin
Passion Band
David Otero
Ersel Hickey
Victor Manuel
LeToya Luckett
Ghetto Phénomène
Vasile Mucea
Haluk Bilginer
Mpampis Adoniou
Margarita Zorbala
Nikos Dimitratos
Giorgos Perris
Maia (Romania)
Daniel Landa
Ewa Szturo
I Girasoli
Stavros Kougioumtzis
Vanessa Williams
The Four Voices
Le Mondine
Suzy Bogguss
Giorgos Katsaris
Valeriu Sterian
Heuss l'Enfoiré
Gerard MC
Dik Dik
Adrian Lux
The Adventures of Buratino (OST)
Dating Agency: Cyrano (OST)
Michel Jonasz
La Ross Maria
Marianna Polihronidi
Olga Krasko
Loukas Daralas
Good Morning America
Schlafes Bruder
Pol 3.14
Dante & His Friends
Encounter (OST)
Léa Castel
Kyun! Ho Gaya Na
Squadra Italia
Ira Mohanty
Lyudmila Barykina
Natalya Dudkina
Erich Weinert
Michalis Genitsaris
Ufuk Şenel
Clémence DesRochers
Elena Kamburova
Suspicious Partner (OST)
Holly Lovelady
The Mystics
Raaz (OST) [2002]
Arto Lindsay
Galina Khomchik
BÖ (Turkey)
Arian Band
Roi Méndez
Groupe culturel de la Ligue Communiste (Marxiste-Léniniste) du Canada
LL Cool J
El Sabalero
Luana Carvalho
Connie Scott
Dina Garipova
Jody Miller
Forrozão Tropykália
The Ivy League
Weepers circus
Manpreet Akhtar
Ayushmann Khurrana
Mateo Oxley
Hugh Donovan
Nicole Saravakou
Vasile Șeicaru
Dil Hai Tumhaara (OST) [2002]
Kostas Ageris
Deborah Holland
Primorsky Boulevard (OST)
La Pegatina
I Will Go With You [Con te partirò] lyrics
Queen of Mean lyrics
Munasterio 'e Santa Chiara lyrics
Ты моя [Ty moya] lyrics
Banale song lyrics
Pennies from Heaven lyrics
Summer fever lyrics
Mísia [Portugal] - Ulissipo
Ο εγωκεντρικός [O egokendrikós] lyrics
Ponta de Lança Africano lyrics
Doompy Poomp lyrics
Τσιγγάνας γάλα [Tsiganas gala] lyrics
Saviour’s Day lyrics
The Phantom of the Opera [Sarah Brightman and Steve Harley Version] lyrics
Nemam drage, nemam druga [Spanish translation]
Bruma lyrics
Mesečina [English translation]
मैं यहाँ हूँ [Main Yahaa Hoon] lyrics
Ne mogu ti ja pomoci [English translation]
Отец рядом с тобой [Otets ryadom s toboy] lyrics
Is Your Love Strong Enough lyrics
Body Language lyrics
Only Two Can Win lyrics
So wie ich [Close to You] lyrics
Ništa više nije isto [Russian translation]
Candy Everybody Wants lyrics
Quel treno per Yuma lyrics
Se me olvidó que te olvidé lyrics
Ο Λευτέρης [O Lefteris] lyrics
Puče puška [Russian translation]
Puče puška lyrics
Sarah lyrics
Go Stupid 4 U lyrics
Lili [English translation]
Kogo Nasza Miłość Obchodzi lyrics
Gib mir ein Zeichen lyrics
Ne mogu ti ja pomoci lyrics
Amigos nada más lyrics
Ne mogu ti ja pomoci [Romanian translation]
Lili [Russian translation]
Η αγάπη θέλει δύο [I agapi thelei dio] lyrics
Estátua falsa lyrics
Over the Moon [OST] - Rocket to the Moon [in 31 Languages]
Je pardonne lyrics
Ostavi Me lyrics
Le Locomotion lyrics
Moj zivot [Russian translation]
Lili [Romanian translation]
The Seeker lyrics
Nemam drage, nemam druga [Polish translation]
Sister, Do you know my name? lyrics
حدوس على قلبى [Haddos 3ala Alby] lyrics
Ona to zna [Romanian translation]
Ona to zna lyrics
Det är den stora, stora, stora, stora kärleken lyrics
Matilda lyrics
Trata bem dela lyrics
Θαλασσοπούλια Μου [Thalassopoúlia Mou] lyrics
Senyera blanca [Bandera blanca] lyrics
Ona to zna [English translation]
Ne mogu ti ja pomoci [Russian translation]
Nemam drage, nemam druga [English translation]
Ona to zna [German translation]
Boring lyrics
To Κλωτσοσκούφι [To Klotsoskoufi] lyrics
O jeseni tugo moja lyrics
Mesečina lyrics
Nemam drage, nemam druga [Romanian translation]
Nancy Sinatra - Sundown, Sundown
El Tejano lyrics
Abracadabra [Version française] lyrics
Plavo oko plakalo je lyrics
Let's Make Christmas Mean Something This Year lyrics
Moj zivot lyrics
Akšam Geldi lyrics
Quale donna vuoi da me? lyrics
Que silêncio é esta voz? lyrics
Když milenky pláčou lyrics
Μέρα Μαγιού Με Μίσεψες [Méra Magioú Me Mísepses] lyrics
Νανούρισμα [Nanourisma] lyrics
Plavo oko plakalo je [Russian translation]
Papa Don't Take No Mess lyrics
Ništa više nije isto lyrics
Just Because I'm a Woman lyrics
V máji lyrics
على اليمّة / على العقيق [Alal Yummah/ Alal-Aqeeq] lyrics
Myself I shall adore lyrics
Της δικαιοσύνης ήλιε νοητέ [Tis dikeosinis ilie noite] lyrics
California Dreamin' lyrics
Παυσίλυπον [Pavsilipon] lyrics
Nemam drage, nemam druga lyrics
Ona to zna [Russian translation]
Ona to zna [Romanian translation]
No preguntes lyrics
Plavo oko plakalo je [English translation]
Manha de Carnaval lyrics
Don't Cry for Me Argentina [New Broadway Cast Recording [2012]] lyrics
Δεν μου αρέσει να μιλώ [Den mou aresei na milo] lyrics
Yellow lyrics
Nemam drage, nemam druga [Russian translation]
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